It’s a minute to midnight on the Doomsday Clock and the spirits of Wednesbury have been called together at The Black Church to state their case for salvation before God. Who should be saved from the Fiery Holes and the Furnaces? Ethelfleida the warrior Queen? John Wesley’s ‘Oss Block? The Tubeworker? The Green Man or the Fighting Cock?
Join us for an evening of song and spoken word at St Bartholemew’s Church on Friday 16th June. Featuring performances from a range of Black Country talent including Brendan Hawthorne, Priyanka Joshi, Alex Vann, Heather Wastie, Steve Pottinger, Billy Spakemon, Emma Purshouse, Trudy King, Reaya Seeley, Suzan Spence and David Calcutt. With support from ‘Suzie’s Community Choir – Wednesbury.
An unforgettable evening in a stunning setting awaits. Bring your own cushion because the pews are rock hard!
There will be collection plates for donations to the church, on exit.
Doors 7pm. Show time 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Suitable for ages 12+
BSL interpreted.
Refreshments will be available to buy.
Curated by Emma Purshouse
Devised and directed by David Calcutt and Emma Purshouse.
This event is part of Wednesbury Day that is being delivered through the We Are Wednesbury Cultural Programme funded by Sandwell Council and Historic England. It is part of the High Streets Heritage Action Zone initiative to re-establish the historic character of the area and create a vibrant and welcoming space. Since 2021, Multistory, has been working with local residents, communities and groups, who are members of the We Are Wednesbury working group, and local creatives to deliver the programme of activities.
Download the full festival programme here.
FREE to come along but tickets must be booked in advance as spaces are limited.
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