During lockdown early in 2020 Poet Laureate for the City of Wolverhampton, Emma, and her Dad, Brad Purshouse, created a book of pictures and poems. Brad took photographs on his daily exercise walks around Bantock Park, and Emma created examples of Japanese style tanka poems to go with each one. “It was a great way of keeping connected with each other during difficult times.” said Emma, “We posted each day on Facebook, and people seemed to like them. They were saying we should make a book, and that’s when Graham Peet offered to help us do just that.” Graham, Emma and Brad collaborated to create the full colour publication and agreed that the proceeds from sales would be split between Friends of Bantock and The Well foodbank. The first run of books, called ‘Constitutional’, has already sold out. If you would like to find out more about this project email emmaasif@hotmail.com.
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